The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for being in the gutter. You are too young to be there. It is also my spot, and you can't have it. Get out!
Banned for hogging the gutter.
Both of you banned for wanting to live in a gutter. Yeuch.
Being the gutter is fun. Banned.
And it is mine! Everyone out! Banned!
You can't throw me out, you get out. Banned.
It I put my mind to it, I can achieve anything, including removing you. Banned.
You keep believing that. Banned.
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It is truth.

With a B and an a and an n and another n and an e and a d

You is banned.
Not truth. Banned.
The mind is a very powerful instrument. It will work. Banned.
So's a hammer. Banned.
Banned for living in SF. SF rocks, apart from the occasional fog.
Occasional fog?? Banned for incorrect illusions of SF.
Banned because I studied at cal from 2k4 to 2k8, and no matter when I went up to the roof or to a mountaintop to take a pic of the sunset or the GG bridge, it'd be foggy.

Then after graduating I took my new DSLR to that one viewpoint coming south from the 101 (I think it's the marin headlands, I forget). The view was absolutely clear!

Here's the picture in fact!

And the same day at night:

Also, double banned for not joining this finalgear forum group:
He doesn't have to join if he doesn't feel like it. Banned.
Yes he does because of where he lives. Banned.
Don't be jealous. It's perfectly normal to believe that Australia is the best place on the planet. Because it is the truth :grin:

Upside down places don't count. Bunned.