Gambler 500 Finds


"Be The Match" Registered
Apr 5, 2006
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The " Best of eBay" thread is fun, but what about the other end of the cost spectrum?

This thread is devoted to finding vehicles for sale suitable for a Gambler 500 rally. The price limit is just as fuzzy as the official rules, as long as it is whimsical or would be sufficiently amusing to take on an off road rally.

Feel free to post your budget "mods" to improve chances of completing the event.

S10 Blazer. Mods: cheap used tires, an air compressor, and a couple rattle-cans of paint to theme it.


1995 Lexus ES 300

Fix the leaking power steering hose, staight pipe it through the hood, sawsall the body to fit truck tires. Buy spare power steering fluid.


(No longer available - missed my chance for a screen shot)

$400, 330,000 mile Lincoln Town Car. Leaks oil.

Mods: buy a case of oil, buy some thrift shop suits or golf outfits to wear while driving it. Keep all tools and parts in a golf bag.
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That's strange, I wonder if they block out-of-country IPs to reduce fraud. I will get some screen shots up today. I only use because it was in this region before Craigslist and still has more listings.
nice, it's got the "push to start" option :bangin:
Honestly surprised anything that old in Illinois isn't a pile of rust. Up there even plastic rusts.
Honestly surprised anything that old in Illinois isn't a pile of rust. Up there even plastic rusts.

Beauty is only skin deep. I bet the suspension mounts are held together by wishful thinking. If we started annual inspections, I imagine about half of the cars on the road now would fail.