Team Fortress 2

That is so pointless...

You have to at least upgrade it to level 2 to prevent a Heavy from destroying it in milli-seconds. Don't they know anything?! At least use a Wrangler...

I wonder what they would do for the shield.......

They should've loaded the sentry with a nerf gun :D
If you go to today, chances are you''ll see a picture link to a trailer for a movie called "Premium Rush". It's a still shot of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in a red t-shirt, gloves, black pants, and a helmet. I think we've found our Scout for the TF2 movie.
I got back in to this game yesterday after a few years. We used to play it competitively for's harder than it used to be. :D
Why keep up with content? Just kill everyone you meet.
Played some more today, I just go with what I mostly do. Pyro!
I didn't rly even care about the new stuff they've put in it. You can just ignore them and shoot everything that moves.
Meet the Modern Heavy.

Practical problems