The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures





What an hateful god they have.
That's sum AWESOME right there
I trust in thee! Caterpiller!


There's a joke in there somewhere about being safer under a Caterpillar than on top of a luge...
Has anyone of you actually seen such protesters? I still can't believe that exists... is that really not a fake? How retarded do you have to be to spent your time like this? I even can not get me to protest against things that really mater o_O Free time is way too precious.
Has anyone of you actually seen such protesters? I still can't believe that exists... is that really not a fake? How retarded do you have to be to spent your time like this? I even can not get me to protest against things that really mater o_O Free time is way too precious.

EDIT: Of note, though, is that the church is comprised almost entirely of the Phelps family. They (astoundingly) breed so much he introduction to Idiocracy is probably based on them.
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If you've got a high resistance to crazy, you can even watch this interview with one of their members. I have to give you warning, though: it's from Fox, and even they thought she was a batshit insane extremist.
Seriously, I'm not joking about the crazy.
I watched a documentary on the WBC a few years ago... you can't even begin to imagine how fucked in the head they are.

I read an interview with one of the kids that escaped, it was seriously the most disturbing thing I've ever read. Just constant abuse on those kids.