The IT Crowd


Forum Addict
Oct 16, 2009
A Blue Police Box
i was only recently introduced to this series and its quickly become one of my favorite shows. Especially since series 4 launches on June 25th and a fifth series has already been commissioned by Channel 4.

The IT Crowd is set in the offices of Reynholm Industries. It focuses on the shenanigans of the three-strong IT support team located in a dingy, untidy and unkempt basement ? a stark contrast to the shining modern architecture and stunning London views enjoyed by the rest of the organisation. Moss and Roy, the two technicians, are portrayed as socially inept geeks or, in Denholm Reynholm's words, "standard nerds". Despite the company's dependence on their services, they are despised, ignored, and considered losers by the rest of the staff. Roy's exasperation is reflected in his support techniques of ignoring the phone in the hope it will stop ringing, and using reel-to-reel tape recordings of stock IT suggestions ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?" and "Is it definitely plugged in?"). Moss's wide and intricate knowledge of all things technical is reflected in his extremely accurate yet utterly indecipherable suggestions, while demonstrating a complete inability to deal with practical problems like extinguishing fires and removing spiders. Jen, the newest member of the team, is hopelessly non-technical, despite claiming on her curriculum vitae that she has "a lot of experience with computers". As Denholm, the company boss, is equally tech-illiterate, he is convinced by Jen's interview bluffing and appoints her head of the IT department.
Season Four Promo Photo

Over at there is a 360-degree of the Basement Office.

definately looking forward to the return of this show.
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YAY it's back!

Awesome stuff :grin:
This usually is extremly funny... Wohoo for the 25th, then...
Hilarious show! Completely wacky British humour :)
awesome, i completely forgot this was coming back soon as well! gimme gimme gimme...
I hope this series is going to be better, I didn't think the last one was as funny as series 1 or 2. Don't get me wrong, it's still a fantastic show.
I love this show so much. Especially since I work in IT. This is the best moment I've seen on the show:
Finally Season 4 :D.
Goddamn British TV where they have only six episodes a season, and what seems like three years between them! Still waiting for Peep Show and The Inbetweeners to come back, but The IT Crowd will do for now :p
just a quick reminder for all that Series 4 launches tonight on Channel 4 at 10pm.
Love the IT Crowd!

It was at it's best when Chris Morris was in though.
Seriously Britain, this show has been on for three years and only has 18 episodes (barring series 4). A single American season has 22. Get with the program you little island people! Need moar!
Agreed, I would like it to have more eps, but in the end Quality > Quantity
OK, second episode. You know you spend too much time on FG when:

I know I'm not the only one that thought it. Just for a second, but I still thought it.