The ^ < V Game

^ :nod:
< once bought a bridge from a guy
v has something else to sell
^ no
< would try to help ^
V is bored
^ saturday mornings ftw, but < should be sleeping
< :yawn:
v :bunny:
^ what does the bunny signify?
< is quite aware of bunnies' reputations
v thinks bunnies are simply cute fluffy wuffy things
^ :blink: they are :blink:
< obviously missed something
v will enlighten
^ Obviously bunnies are cute and fluffy things, what's there to hide
< Wants to see his friend's new puppy
V Is eager for < to take photos of aforementioned puppy and post on the forums.

I don't see that you did anything wrong there. I'm sure she's going to be as happy as the beagles when her hubby gets back. ("As happy as beagles" should be a common expression, I think!)

Yeah she told me immediately when I apologized to her that I had nothing to apologize for and she didn't know why it hit her so hard. We moved on in conversation to sillier things and never looked back at it again.

What? You're probably the coolest guy I've ever come across! How could you think that about yourself? And what you did, there's nothing wrong with it. Some people out there would have done the same thing and not have felt the least bit guilty at all.

Thanks Dr. Biro
^ :hug: see? told ya!
< mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lunch
v ooooooooooooooh dins!
^ ya
< listening to fireworks explode
v has some music
^ not balloon bangs
< knows fireworks are for a radio station promo thing
v has experience with these
^ :tease:
< urgh, monday morning
v still has more Sunday to go
^ another 2-3 hours, yeah
< can, and does, sympathise with ^ ... just the thought... :(
v will arrange with the powers that be that monday is, in future cancelled. thanks.
^ :dance:
< is late, AGAIN
v will build < a time machine
^ Nope
< Does not know how to build a time machine
V Also does not know