The coolest neighborhood in the world

I wouldnt want to live there. Althought the track would be fun, I couldnt stand all the neighbours using it who probaly dont know anything about cars etc. Also: stupid golf coarse.
I couldnt stand all the neighbours using it who probaly dont know anything about cars etc. Also: stupid golf coarse.

I think this comment is a bit stupid, why would anyone who has no interest/knowledge about cars move to such a place, it does not make sense to spend millions of dollars to live right next to a race track if your not into cars.

And, a question that has been on my mind for a long time, why would car interested millionairs be less knowledgeable than the average middleclass car forum member...

and btw, whats wrong with golf? have you ever played it? if might be boring to watch, but it is certainly not boring to play.
^ right on with all points!

i would expect that most of the people who will be living in this community will be current and former professional drivers and club drivers.
675 thats not bad at all.. all the homes in my town are at least 1.4 mil, and thats for tiny little homes.. little apartment-sized condos for 400k... If something like this existed on the California coast, it would cost ~2-3 million to live there.. and I would move in.. as soon as I get off the ground...
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No where near by where you can get a track day?

Track days, yes.

Track in my backyard, no.

Seriously though, I probably will do some track days this year, might even turn my current bike into a trackbike and get something a bit more practical for the street... we'll see.
Can we try and find this on google earth?

Anyway yes, when im rich haha I am going to buy a plot of land, and just build a "house" that has like a billion carparks, and yeah. It would be very cool. Plus imagine all the sexy cars that would be in that area? imagine just asking your next door neighbor if you can borrow his enzo for a drive around the track
man 70Mil is a bit much...

i may just join a Country Club It's closer to me... and at only a 90k initiation fee and 300 a month (for the most expensive plan) i just need to be rich... not filthy stinking rich to get my own private track
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I don't like two things.
1. When you leave the compound, you're in the deep south.
2. The house designs are really unoriginal. If i decided to do such a thing, I'd hire a great architect to make something truly noteworthy. It wouldn't have to be big or flashy, just cool and unique.
savannah isn't "deep south". it's a beautiful coastal city. i imagine it's like monterey, california, or another similarly affluent coastal city. actually, i suppose it depends on how you're using "deep south". geographically speaking, yes, savannah is in the deep south. it isn't "deep south" in the context of a negative characterization though.

i'm not directing this specifically at you, jacobfox. i'm speaking generally... it really bothers me that so many americans have preconceived notions about the south. i could understand if a foreigner has ignorant notions, because of movies and whatnot. however, it's just amazing to me that so many americans don't travel much, and readily accept stereotypes without actually knowing anything. i read/heard a statistic once that only 10% of americans have passports. that is utterly pathetic and dangerous. yes, dangerous. if you don't understand the world around you and readily accept whatever nonsense you're told, you're going to do nothing but offend and alienate others. people, travel. get out of your comfort zones. experience the world and it's wonderful cultures.

Can we try and find this on google earth?
the community hasn't been built yet. they're still selling plots, and they're holding a job fair in july.
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Sorry, but I could never live in the South. Ever. I hate the climate and the culture drives me nuts.

No, give me mountains or the Pacific coast any day. In fact if everything east of the Mississippi fell into the Atlantic I really would not care.

Culture? I think there's lots of that in the swamps around there. Most of it results in a burning rash, though...
2. The house designs are really unoriginal. If i decided to do such a thing, I'd hire a great architect to make something truly noteworthy. It wouldn't have to be big or flashy, just cool and unique.

Most homes are and most people like it that way.
The only problem is that you'll be surrounded by rich people. ;)


Well, maybe that won't be a problem at all then...

i live outside a glitzy rich neighborhood, trust me, everybody there is ugly or completely plastic, and therefor nasty
the homeowners associations in some neighorhoods, especially gated communities, restrict architecture and landscaping.
Ya they really do restrict a lot of stuff, we have to ask for everything, like simple fence and stuff. All our houses look like old Colonial times so they don't allow people to break the trend.
amen to that and fuck oppressive homeowners assocs. Ours doesn't do crap like that