Game: Who likes Classic / Retro Gaming?

Fuck yeah!
(1998): Battlezone. But this was the genesis of gaming for me as far as being addicted goes. It mixed everything I loved into one game. Space and traveling the solar system, conspiracy, military, strategy.


Bah this is the BattleZone I remember playing:

I still love to play old games mainly because I didn't play them at the time they came out. It's a warm fuzzy feeling you get when you play something old and awesome

Omg Battlezone was mentioned too. I'll add a mention to its rather complex (by today's standards) companion, Ground Control. As usual with 'modern sequels', GC2 was really bad. I could have played it without assistance when I was 5 considering my jingoistic past lmao. Grew up in the Gulf War era :p
Oh man, some really good memories in this thread.

I can't seem to get myself to give up Transport Tycoon Deluxe. I actually play a free open-source version now called OpenTTD.

I still play the original Starcraft, however SC2 has recently taken over in its place. Also, I miss Megarace. What about Commander Keen?
KEEEEEEEEEEEN! Loved that series. Never got the hang of Keen Dreams though. Heck, while we're on the subject of classic Apogee games, anyone remember Crystal Caves? Rise of the Triad? The original Duke Nukum (not a typo) and Duke Nukem II? Good stuff.

Played this when i was like 6 or 7, it was the game. Reminds me of bomberman, have played it since then also. A friend had it installed on his PC :D


This! First time i ever drank coffee, so me and 2 of my friends stayed up and played all night. We digievolved into GREYMON!! Lol that was fun :D
i'm a BIG Mega Man/Mega Man X player. thanks to PlayStation, i now don't have to rely on my aging Super Nintendo to play my "X" games. although it would be a shame to get rid of my old system and games despite buying the anniversary collection for both game anthologies.
Looks like the same engine as Super Off Road. I wonder how good the NES port was.

EDIT, just looked and it's rubbish by comparison. If only they had ported it to the SNES.

The funniest part was that you could run over the pit crew! :D
KEEEEEEEEEEEN! Loved that series. Never got the hang of Keen Dreams though. Heck, while we're on the subject of classic Apogee games, anyone remember Crystal Caves? Rise of the Triad? The original Duke Nukum (not a typo) and Duke Nukem II? Good stuff.

Lol that was my first multiplayer FPS experience, along with Shadow Warrior which was even more fun.


On one of the maps there was a wooden crate that, if you sat in it, not only made the player invisible, but was nuclear proof as well :D People who played with me in the uni campus got so pissed at the crate they will unleash massive firepower on it every time they see it. They get killed anyway because I would hop out of the crate to evade the barrage and hop back in before the smoke and flames cleared! That was a time before destructible environments, remember!

Many years later I realised that tactic of being the ultimate ambusher is called camping :p
^The nuke in shadow warrior was all kinds of awesome! :D
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The hours I spent playing some of the games mentioned here...

Battlezone was especially fab. I wasn't overly fond of the story which predictably led to fighting against aliens on a green planet of some description but the gameplay worked very well. It was also great fun to get out of your tank and run about without a vehicle. I remember that if you kept jumping while on foot you could outrun pretty much any vehicle (although hitting a wall at high speed would result in a predictable *squish*). Also, you could snipe the driver of another vehicle and take that over...

One of my all-time favourites (Carmageddon) was already mentioned but nobody mentioned Interstate '76. '70s funk, oldschool american cars fitted with miniguns and missiles... Awesome! Also great plot (despite characters not having mouths in cutscenes!) and some amusing touches (is it safe? Of course not...)

Also, since Duke Nukem 3d and Shadow Warrior were mentioned I'll throw in Blood. Huge fun in LAN.
you can't forget good old games from back before Windows.

Like Stunts!

and Street Rod!